A Reciprocating Saw to help Dismantle Pallets
Yes I finally got myself up to date recently our local Lidl store had Reciprocating Saws in stock so I treated myself to one, specifically for dismantling pallets. The one I got was cordless and I have to admit it is very powerful and now makes cutting through the nails a breeze. In fact I […]
Wood Gluing Clamps made from Pallet Wood
It wasn’t long after I started working with pallet wood that the need arose for the pallet planks to be glued together. Up to four planks side by side was OK as my clamps were big enough, but anything more than that I and I was stuck so to speak! It wasn’t long before I […]
Power Tool Workbench made from Upcycled Pallet Wood
In an attempt to try and get some sort of organisation in my workshop I decided to build a power tool workbench made from upcycled pallet wood. The idea was to get the chop saw, pillar drill and planner/thicknesser all in one place and all at a comfortable working height for me. I find leaning […]
Making Progress with those Two New Clocks
On August 2nd I made a short post about two new clocks I had started working on. Well there has been progress made on them! As you can see below the High Perch Phaeton Carriage has been cut out and the outline was traced onto the wood. Then the outline and details was burnt into […]
Pallet Wood Guitar Clock Project – Update 4 Aug 19
I have been working on this Pallet Wood Guitar Clock Project for a little while now, it’s one of those learn on the job projects and this latest session has thrown up a few things to resolve. The first thing to overcome was to figure out how to mount the clock movement as the shaft […]
Two New Pallet Wood Clocks Started
Just started a new project yesterday to create two new pallet wood clocks. One is for a birthday present and will feature a Spitfire and the other, featuring a Phaeton Carriage, is for Shalini’s stall at the upcoming Georgian Festival in Stamford on 28th and 29th September 2019. The image below shows the four prepared […]